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Authors: | D.B. Saddington | J.K. St Joseph | I. Shatzman | M.P. Speidel | K. Strobel |
Sabin, P.
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"Honouring Tiberius on inscriptions and in Valerius Maximus: a note", Acta Classica 43 (2000), 166-172
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"The Roman auxilia in the east – different from the west?" in: Limeskongress 18 (2002), 879-882
"An Ala Tungrorum?" Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 138 (2002), 273-4
"Paideia, Politeia and Hegemonia: a route of social advancement in the early Roman empire", in Basson-Dominik (2003), 323-339
"Local witnesses on an early Flavian military diploma", Epigraphica 66 (2004), 75-79
"Two Notes on Roman Germany", Acta Classica 48 (2005), 195-199
"A Note on the Number of Troops stationed in the Antonia in Jerusalem", The Expository Times 116 (12) (2005), 431
"The Roman Government and the Roman Auxilia", in: Limeskongress 19 (2005), 63-69
Also: | Saddington & Keppie |
Saddington, D.B. & L.J.F. Keppie
"Addendum", to: Ogilvie (1991), 1731-1738
Also: | Saddington | Keppie | Keppie & Bryson | Keppie & Walker | Crawford & Keppie | Crawford, Keppie & Vercnocke |
Saglio, E.
"Agger", Dictionnaire des Antiquités grecques et romaines 1 (Paris, 1877), 140-142

St Joseph, J.K.S.
"Air reconnaissance in Britain, 1965–68", Journal of Roman Studies 59 (1969), 104-128
"Air reconnaissance in Britain, 1969–72", Journal of Roman Studies 63 (1973), 214-246
"Air reconnaissance of Roman Scotland, 1939–75", Glasgow Archaeological Journal 4 (1976), 1-28
"Air reconnaissance in Roman Britain, 1973–76", Journal of Roman Studies 67 (1977), 125-161
"The camp at Durno, Aberdeenshire, and the site of Mons Graupius", Britannia 9 (1978), 271-287
Also: | Richmond & St.Joseph | For continuation of the air reconnaissance series, see Maxwell & Wilson |
Salomons, R.P.
"Testamentaria" Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 156 (2006), 217-241

Sander, E.
"Die Quellen von IV,1-30 der Epitome des Vegetius", Philologische Wochenschrift 13 (1931), 395-399
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"Der Verfall der römischen Belagerungskunst", Historische Zeitschrift 149 (1934), 457-476
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Sanders, H.A.
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Sarnowski, T.
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"Nova ordinatio im römischen Heer des 3. Jh. und eine neue Primus Pilus-Weihung aus Novae in Niedermoesien" Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 95 (1993), 197-203

"Primi Ordines et Centuriones Legionis I Italicae und eine Dedikation an Septimius Severus aus Novae in Niedermoesien" Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 95 (1993), 204-219

Scarborough, J.
"Roman medicine and the legions: a reconsideration", Medical History 12 (1968), 254-261
Also: | Reply by Nutton |
Schäfer, P.
"Hadrian's policy in Judaea and the Bar Kokhba revolt: a reassessment", in: P.R. Davies & R.T. White (eds.), A Tribute to Geza Vermes (Sheffield, 1990), 281-303

Schallmayer, E.
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Schambach, O.
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Scharf, R.
"Die Kanzleireform des Stilicho und das römische Britannien", Historia 39 (1990), 461-474
"Germaniciani und Secundani: ein spätrömisches Truppenpaar", Tyche 7 (1992), 197-202
"Der Iuthungenfeldzug des Aëtius: eine Neuinterpretationen einer christlichen Grabinschrift aus Augsburg", Tyche 9 (1994), 131-145
"Aufrüstung und Truppenbenennung unter Stilicho: das Beispiel der Atecotti-Truppen", Tyche 10 (1995), 161-178
"Constantiniaci = Constantiniani? Ein Beitrag zur Textkritik der Notitia Dignitatum am Beispiel der "constantinischen" Truppen", Tyche 12 (1997), 189-212
"Equites Dalmatae und Cunei Dalmatarum in der Spätantike", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 135 (2001), 185-193

Scheidel, W.
"Inschriftenstatistik und die Frage des Rekrutierungsalters römischer Soldaten", Chiron 22 (1992), 281-297
"Roman age structure: evidence and models", Journal of Roman Studies 91 (2001), 1-26

Schepens, G.
"Historiographical problems in Ephorus", in: Historiographia antiqua: commentationes Lovanienses in honorem W. Peremans septuagenarii editae (Symbolae 6, Leuven, 1977), 95-118

Schiaparelli, L.
"Vendita di un cavallo", Papiri Greci e Latini 6 (1920), 171-175 (= PSI 6.729)

Schlüter, W.
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Schmitthenner, W.
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Schneider, R.
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Schürer, E.
"Excursus I: The census of Quirinius, Luke 2:1-5", in: G. Vermes & F. Millar (edd.), The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 BC-AD 135) (A new English version) Vol. 1 (Edinburgh, 1973), 399-427

Schulten, A.
"Birrenswark: ein brittannisches Numantia", Neue Jahrbücher für das klassische Altertum 17 (1914), 607-617
"Masada: die Burg des Herodes und die römischen Lager", Zeitschrift des deutschen Palästina-Vereins 56 (1933), 1-185

Schwartz, J.
"Où a passé la legio XXII Deiotariana?" Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 76 (1989), 101-102 (with 78 (1989), 246)

Scott, E.
"In search of Roman Britain: talking about their generation", Antiquity 64 (1990), 953-956

Seager, R.
"Ammianus and the status of Armenia in the Peace of 363", Chiron 26 (1996), 275-284

Serrati, J.
"The reliability of Ammianus Marcellinus on Siege Warfare", Archaeo ? (199?), ??

Sekunda, N.V.
"Classical warfare", in: J. Boardman (ed.), Cambridge Ancient History. Plates to Volumes V and VI (Cambridge, 1994), 167-193 (= chapter 8)

Shanks, H.
"Gamla: the Masada of the north", Biblical Archaeology Review 5 (1979), 12-19

Shatzman, I.
"The Roman general's authority over booty", Historia 21 (1972), 177-205
"The beginning of the Roman defensive system in Judaea", American Journal of Ancient History 8 (1983), 130-160
"Artillery in Judaea from Hasmonean to Roman times", in: French-Lightfoot (1989), 461-484
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Shaw, B.D.
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"Seasons of death: aspects of mortality in imperial Rome", Journal of Roman Studies 86 (1996), 100-138

Shean, J.F.
"Hannibal's mules: the logistical limitations of Hannibal's army and the Battle of Cannae, 216 B.C.", Historia 45 (1996), 159-187

Sheehan, P.
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Sherk, R.K.
"Roman geographical exploration and military maps", Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt II.1 (1974), 534-562

Shipp, G.P.
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Shotter, D.C.A.
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"Rome and the Brigantes: early hostilities", Transactions of the Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society 94 (1994), 21-34
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Sidebotham, S.E.
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Sievers, S.
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Sijpesteijn, P.J.
"Flavius Josephus and the Praefect of Egypt in 73 AD", Historia 28 (1979), 117-125
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Silberman, A.
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Sim, D.
"Report on two sections of lorica segmentata found at Vindolanda", Arma 10 (1998), 9-10

Simon, H.-G.
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Simpson, St.J.
"From Tekrit to the Jaghjagh: Sasanian sites, settlement patterns and material culture in northern Mesopotamia", in: Bartl-Hauser (1996), 87-126
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Sinclair, R.K.
"Diodorus Siculus and fighting in relays", Classical Quarterly 16 (1966), 251-255

Sivan, H.S.
"An unedited letter of the Emperor Honorius to the Spanish soldiers", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 61 (1985), 273-287
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Sivan, R. & G. Solar
"Excavations in the Jerusalem Citadel, 1980-1988", in: H. Geva (ed.), Ancient Jerusalem Revealed (Jerusalem, 1994), 168-176

Slocum, J.J.
"Another look at the coins of Hatra", American Numismatic Society Museum Notes 22 (1977), 37-47

Smallwood, E.M.
"Philo and Josephus as historians of the same events", in: Feldman-Hata (1987), 114-129

Smith, F.W.
"The fighting unit: an essay in structural military history", L'Antiquité Classique 59 (1990), 149-165

Smith, C.J.
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Smith, R.E.
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Soedel, W. & V. Foley
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Sommer, C.S.
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Southern, P.
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Spaul, J.E.H.
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Speidel, M.A.
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"Miles ex cohorte. Zur Bedeutung der mit ex eingeleiteten Truppenangaben auf Soldateninschriften", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 95 (1993), 190-196
"Specialisation and promotion in the Roman imperial army", in: De Blois (2001), 50-61
On pay scales: | Alston |
Speidel, M.P.
"The Roman army in Judaea under the Procurators", Ancient Society 13/14 (1982/1983), 233-240
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 224-232
"Cash from the emperor: a veteran's gravestone at Elecik in Galatia", American Journal of Philology 104 (1983), 282-286
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 363-368
"The centurions' titles", Epigraphische Studien 13 (1983), 43-61
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 21-39
"Exploratores. Mobile elite units of Roman Germany", Epigraphische Studien 13 (1983), 63-78
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 89-104
"Severiana as a title for army units and the three Legiones Parthicae of Septimius Severus", Proceedings of the African Classical Associations 17 (1983), 118-123
"The road to Viminacium", Arheoloski Vestnik 35 (1984), 339-341
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 170-172
"Palmyrenian irregulars at Koptos", Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 21 (1984), 221-224
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 82-85
"Catafractarii, clibanarii and the rise of the later Roman mailed cavalry: a gravestone from Claudiopolis in Bithynia", Epigraphica Anatolica 4 (1984), 151-156
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 406-414
"Germani corporis custodes", Germania 62 (1984), 31-45
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 105-119
"Regionarii in Lower Moesia", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 57 (1984), 185-188
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 140-144
"Valerius Valerianus in charge of Septimius Severus' Mesopotamian campaign", Classical Philology 80 (1985), 321-326
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 218-223
"A veteran of Legio I Parthica from Carian Aphrodisias", Epigraphica Anatolica 5 (1985), 31-35
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 198-203
"The police officer, a hero: an inscribed relief from near Ephesos", Epigraphica Anatolica 5 (1985), 159-160
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 190-191
"A Pannonian Optio Vexillationis buried at Stratonikeia", Epigraphica Anatolica 6 (1985), 75-78
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 67-70
"Domo Hispanus", Gerión 3 (1985), 347-348
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 328-329
"A Marsacus as a horseguard's boy in Rome", Helinium 25 (1985), 254-257
"The Master of the Dragon Standards and the Golden Torc: an inscription from Prusias and Prudentius' Peristephanon", Transactions of the American Philological Association 115 (1985), 283-287
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 390-395
"Furlough in the Roman army", Yale Classical Studies 28 (1985), 283-293
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 330-341
"A note on the inscription CIL X 1766 from Puteoli: numeri and imperial surnames", Puteoli 9/10 (1985/1986), 79-81
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 86-88
"Centurions and horsemen of Legio II Traiana", Aegyptus 66 (1986), 163-168
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 233-239
"Maxentius and his equites singulares in the battle at the Milvian Bridge", Classical Antiquity 5 (1986), 253-262
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 279-289
"A Soldier of Cohors II Lucensium at Calchedon", Epigraphica Anatolica 7 (1986), 35-36
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 188-189
"Rangzeichen für Zenturionen und die große Weihinschrift aus dem Mainzer Legionslager", Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 33 (1986), 321-329
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 43-55
"The Caucasus frontier: second century garrisons at Apsarus, Petra and Phasis", in: Limeskongress 13 (1986), 657-660
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 204-208
"Die Helvetier als Reiterkrieger", Museum Helveticum 43 (1986), 127-130
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 165-169
"Roman troops at Aulutrene: observations on two inscriptions", Epigraphica Anatolica 10 (1987), 97-100
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 192-197
"Spätrömische Legionskohorten in Novae", Germania 65 (1987), 240-242
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 400-402
"The Roman road to Dumata (Jawf in Saudi Arabia) and the frontier strategy of praetensione colligare", Historia 36 (1987), 213-221
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 369-378
"The Later Roman field army and the Guard of the High Empire", Latomus 46 (1987), 375-379
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 379-386
"Horsemen in the Pannonian alae", Saalburg-Jahrbuch 43 (1987), 61-65
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 62-66
"Outpost duty in the desert: building the fort at Gholaia (Bu Njem, Libya)", Antiquités Africaines 24 (1988), 99-102
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 275-278
"Nubia's Roman garrison", Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt II.10.1 (1988), 767-798
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 240-274
"Maxentius' Praetorians", Mélanges de l'École Française de Rome 100 (1988), 183-186
reworked in: Mavors 8, 385-389
"Hercules with the hellhound from Viminacium", Acta Archaeologia Hungarica 41 (1989), 359-363
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 298-303
"The soldiers' servants", Ancient Society 20 (1989), 239-248
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 342-352
"Work to be done on the organization of the Roman army", Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology, London 26 (1989), 99-106
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 13-20
"The names of legionary centuriae", Arctos 24 (1990), 135-137
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 40-42
"The army at Aquileia, the Moesiaci legion, and the shield emblems in the Notitia Dignitatum", Saalburg-Jahrbuch 45 (1990), 68-72
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 414-418
"Swimming the Danube under Hadrian's eyes: a feat of the Emperor's Batavi Horse Guard", Ancient Society 22 (1991), 278-282
"Prior and sequens on inscriptions of the African army: putting to rest the legionary ghost ranks of principalis, sequtor, and sesquiplicarius", Antiquités Africaines 27 (1991), 107-110
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 120-123
"The shrine of the Dii Campestres at Gemellae", Antiquités Africaines 27 (1991), 111-118
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 290-297
"The Pannonian optio: a correction", Epigraphica Anatolica 18 (1991), 78
"The Roman army in North Africa", Journal of Roman Archaeology 5 (1992), 401-407
"Becoming a centurion in Africa: brave deeds and the support of the troops as promotion criteria", in: Mavors 8, 124-128
"Colleagues as heirs: a centurion of legio IIII Scythica", in: Mavors 8, 129-130
"The weapons keeper, the fisci curator, and the ownership of weapons in the Roman army", in: Mavors 8, 131-136
"The career of a strator and summus curator", in: Mavors 8, 137-139
"Centurions promoted from beneficiarii?" Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 91 (1992), 229-232
"A knight from Naples in Rome: the gravestone of Claudius Aurelianus Ptolemaeus", Ancient Society 24 (1993), 99-100
"Mauri equites: the tactics of light cavalry in Mauretania", Antiquités Africaines 29 (1993), 121-126
"The fustis as a soldier's weapon", Antiquités Africaines 29 (1993), 137-149
"Commodus the God-emperor and the army", Journal of Roman Studies 83 (1993), 109-114
"Legionary horsemen on campaigns", Saalburg-Jahrbuch 47 (1994), 36-39
"The tribunes' choice in the promotion of centurions", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 100 (1994), 469-470
"A guardsman as officer of irregulars", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 103 (1994), 215-216
"A horse guardsman in the war between Licinius and Constantine", Chiron 25 (1995), 83-87
"Kampanische Kohorte und Legionsreiter: zwei Soldatengrabsteine aus Amastris", in: Frei-Stolba & Speidel (1995), 123-132
"Die Garde des Maximus auf der Theodosiussäule", Istanbuler Mitteilungen 45 (1995), 131-136
"Sebastian's strike force at Adrianople", Klio 78 (1996), 434-437
"The slaughter of Gothic hostages after Adrianople", Hermes 126 (1998), 503-506
"Who fought in the front?" in: Alföldy et al. (2000), 473-482
Also: | Speidel & French | Speidel & Panciera | Speidel & Pavkovic | Speidel & Seider | Speidel & Todua |
Speidel, M.P. & D.H. French
"Bithynian troops in the kingdom of the Bosporus", Epigraphica Anatolica 6 (1985), 97-102
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 173-177
Also: | Speidel | Speidel & Panciera | Speidel & Pavkovic | Speidel & Seider |
Speidel, M.P. & S. Panciera
"From the North and Black Sea shores: two new gravestones for boys of the 'equites singulares Augusti'", Chiron 19 (1989), 119-126
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 353-360
Also: | Speidel | Speidel & French | Speidel & Pavkovic | Speidel & Seider | Speidel & Todua |
Speidel, M.P. & M.F. Pavkovic
"Legion II Flavia Constantia at Luxor", American Journal of Philology 110 (1989), 151-154
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 396-399
Also: | Speidel | Speidel & French | Speidel & Panciera | Speidel & Seider | Speidel & Todua | Pavkovic |
Speidel, M.P. & R. Seider
"A Latin papyrus with a recruit's request for service in the auxiliary cohorts", Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 74 (1988), 242-244
reprinted in: Mavors 8, 306-309
Also: | Speidel | Speidel & French | Speidel & Panciera | Speidel & Pavkovic | Speidel & Todua |
Speidel, M.P. & T.T. Todua
"Three inscriptions from Pityus on the Caucasus frontier", Saalburg-Jahrbuch 44 (1988), 56-58
Also: | Speidel | Speidel & French | Speidel & Panciera | Speidel & Pavkovic | Speidel & Seider |
Stadter, P.A.
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